Concept Art
*This image was created on Photoshop by someone called Xia Taptara the image is started off by painting all the cliff and mountain side areas using grey scale, a soft brush and low opacity .after building in more and more detail and sharper and more opaque brushes are used that colour is added and once again more details, shades, tones are built upon the image.
*The image uses allot of contrasting colours such as the range of oranges compared next to blues and greys, this makes the key parts of the image like the lava stand out of the picture and catch the viewer’s eye. It also lets the other parts of the image give a feel that there actually in the distance by using more white colours and softer brushes and contrasts a fade into the greys and blues.
*This image does not particularly use the rule of thirds but it does use a technique called one point perspective. One point perspective means that the image has a focus point that’s in the distance and almost gives the image a kind of tunnel vision and allows the viewer to see that the image has a 3 dimensional quality to it.
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