Wednesday 17 October 2012

Colour Theory

Theese are the three primamry colours

These are known as secondary colours, these are created when two primary colours are blended together.

This is called a triad; this is when a primary colour and a secondary colour are blended to make a new colour.

The colours here above the white line are considered warm colours and the ones below are considered cold, but red and green can be warm or cold.
There are various different terminology needed to be known when dealing with colours and here are some of them
HUE: just means colour
Saturation: how strong the colour is
Value: how light or dark the colour appears

These are known as tints and shades also known as monochromatic, this is when all colours contrast to lighter and darker shades of the original state. Analogous is when the colours in-between primary and secondary blend together.

Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel are known as complimentary colours, meaning the work well together.

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