Wednesday 17 October 2012

Concept Art 2

*This image was originally sketched by hand and then scanned in to photo shop and then like before used grey scale to add different depths. Then once again he added sharper edges and areas using a stronger hardness and opacity to the brush .then he added colour and textures and tones, layer by layer.
*This image is mainly contrasted by colours from the river to the edges of land next to it with the different tones and shades of yellow greens browns and greys. The colours used give the water the appearance of the sunlight reflecting off of it, creating sense realism to the viewer. The clouds play a big role in this piece by giving the image feeling of distance and depth.
*This image also follows the one point rule but it can also be considered to have the rule of thirds .The reason being for me when you first look at the image, the first thing I’m drawn to look at is the waterfall because it catches the viewer’s eye and stands out to anything in the foreground or the Background .This because the stream changes dimensions and starts going another direction because of the falls.

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