Monday, 5 November 2012

Tipsy house

Tipsy house research

In ancient Japan only wealthy households had the stereotypical rooftops had curved points on the corners .In actual fact poor ancient Chinese houses had modern rustic like thatch work rooftops. Allot of the un-wealthy architecture would also been made of mainly materials like wood but considering that the tipsy house is by the side of the cliff and the waves are said to crash into the to the cliff ,I decided to make the house from old stone. Making the house from stone, I realized the house wouldn’t be traditional poor ancient Japanese architecture so I decided to cross hatch the tipsy house with a British rustic style cottage, even though much in the traditional architecture of Japan is not native, but was imported from China and other Asian cultures over the centuries. Japanese traditional architecture and its history are as a result dominated by Chinese and Asian techniques and styles.

The owner of the tipsy house is said to be a fisher man and the house is said to have gotten its name because it is leant to one side with only a beam supporting it .I thought that sounded a bit farfetched that a house could only stand up because of one beam, so I designed the house originally to have huge rocks to support the bottom as well as have a beams made of the parts basis of a small fishing boat. I wanted to create the imagery house look like the owner does what ever he can to keep it held together, no matter what cost. I gave the house no windows and only one door to give the house the appeal that it was all built single handed by a very independent person. Unlike the original tipsy house, I designed mine with an extension built onto the side of the house. This creates the affect of reinforcement for the house in addition as keeping the shack level and upright.

I had a look at various different cliffs and beaches not just ones from Japan, at first I wanted to create quite a tall cliff ,but the waves of the sea are said to crash into the cliff and partially the house ,so I designed the cliff lower than my initial design. I crossed referenced different cliff sides from different cliff sides like the cliffs of Dover in the UK. I wanted a quite desert style landscape but not to desert like, I wanted it to be just about habitable for someone to live in but quite secluded from the rest of society.
Though I looked at several different images of cliffs I found it hard to find one that matched the cliff I had in mind.

Although the house is often described to be in a constant stormy horrible weather I wanted the image to be in a quite peaceful environment .I thought maybe at first of having a storm looking like its about to form above the island but I realised that would have been to predictable, Then I thought I would design it in a really misty setting, but then I thought it might over shadow the island as well as the house .so then I settled on having the image in a sun drenched serene setting and as an end result was a much better and easier choice.

this is my finished photoshop piece for the tipsy house .

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